Friday, November 02, 2018

Hearing Footsteps

2013: below the 20db line is bad.
In 2013 an audiologist said that I had mild hearing loss.

Five years later the members of the household have tired of asking me to turn the volume down on the television set.

Also, they are weary of my ignoring requests that I don't remember because I never heard them in the first place 😉

It was time to get my ears checked again.

2018: the deterioration continues
Sure enough, the test showed a worsening, especially at the higher frequencies.

Hearing aids can cost thousands of dollars; most insurance plans cover only a little of the cost.

Saving money might be tempting, but untreated mild-to-moderate deafness has other consequences.

Hearing Loss [is] Linked to Accelerated Brain Tissue Loss [bold added]
Although the brain becomes smaller with age, the shrinkage seems to be fast-tracked in older adults with hearing loss, according to the results of a study by researchers from Johns Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging. The findings add to a growing list of health consequences associated with hearing loss, including increased risk of dementia, falls, hospitalizations, and diminished physical and mental health overall.
I'm placing my order this month.

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