Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Less is More

The low-rise building on Drumm and Sacramento, across the street from our office, is surrounded by office towers. It’s a small mystery that the old run-down building has avoided the wrecking ball, but I’m grateful. It houses a bakery, Mexican restaurant, Subway, Mediterranean sandwich shop, Walgreens, and Starbucks. The lunch prices are about a buck less than the takeout places on the ground floor of the office tower, so the stores are crowded at noon.

The Chinese restaurant on the second floor re-opened under new management. Scuttlebutt was that the old one closed due to health code violations, but this blog doesn’t traffic in canards and calumnies. Today I had a hankering for Chinese food, so I threw caution to the winds. Impressed by the fresh paint and open atmosphere (they took down a wall), I gladly paid the 70-cent price increase on the rice noodles, especially because it meant that I had a reduced probability of incurring stomach cramps. Portions were a little smaller, but that’s not a problem, says my doctor. Less is more.

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