Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rain Dancer In Chief

The storm nearly rained out our company barbecue last Friday, and the wet weather continued through Wednesday morning. Rainfall since June is 356% of normal, and for the moment fears of drought and water rationing have subsided. My lawn should stay green next summer. Whom do we have to thank?

Precipitation data from the National Weather Service.

Why, Al Gore, of course. The former Vice President leaves floods and record-setting low temperatures in his wake while he travels far and wide to preach the gospel of impending drought and desertification. Mr. Gore was in San Francisco on Friday when the Nobel committee announced the award of this year’s Peace prize for his work on global warming. In another confirmation of the Gore effect, the pelting rain, which I should have foreseen, penetrated my cloth overcoat and soaked me to the skin.

I like Al Gore (yes, really) and hope he runs for President. Whether or not he enters the race, I hope he stays away from New Orleans until they get the levees fixed.

Outside the Hyatt Regency on Wednesday.

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