Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Trek the Halls

USA Today says that Christmas caroling is a vanishing tradition. Perhaps so, but the residents of three nursing homes on the Peninsula were pleased to see us last Sunday.

They put down their bingo tokens and turned off their TVs to listen to our mix of religious and secular standards.

Some belted out the carols along with us and clapped.

The enjoyment on their faces was genuine. They had grown up in an era when each household had someone who could play the piano.

Families would gather round to sing instead of dispersing to their separate electronic worlds.

A few of our voices clearly lacked training (ahem), but fortunately there was an upright piano for our church organist to keep us in tune and in time.

What we lacked in skill we made up for in enthusiasm.

We passed out ornaments that the children made and wished them all a Merry Christmas.

Some were sad to see us leave. If and when I am similarly situated, I hope someone sings for me.

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