Saturday, December 18, 2010


Billionaires’ traits run the gamut: the world’s richest can be young, philanthropic, corrupt, ostentatious, and/or self-effacing. Perhaps the only thing they have in common with each other, besides their wealth, is that they are different from you and me.

One billionaire’s neighborhood Christmas-light show demonstrates just how different (sorry, iPhone and iPad users, it's in Flash):

Once we get past the reflexive criticisms—the energy consumption, think of all the sick and starving who could have been helped, and the usual clincher “what would poor Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus say?”—there’s a lot to like: 1) The show is seasonal, not a lasting monument to the billionaire's munificence and magnificence; 2) in a down economy it gives employment to people who can use the work; 3) it’s beautiful (remember to get past the reflexive criticisms).

One cannot be sure about motivations, but the display does appear to be a gift with no strings. Yes, there are “better” ways he could have spent his money but there are worse ones, too.

So accept it, say thanks, and enjoy.

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