Monday, February 16, 2015

Still Not So Smart

(Image from
The technoscenti are excited about Apple's "Smart Home".
HomeKit is designed to streamline communications between Apple’s gear and accessories like web security cameras, smart plugs, thermostats, and more.
Ho-hum, because one doesn't need Apple to hook up with baby monitors, refrigerators, or television sets.

What sets HomeKit apart is security:
Because Apple-compatible smart home accessories pack Apple-approved MFi chips, they’re able to provide end-to-end encryption. In other words, when you say “Unlock the door” to Siri, that command gets encrypted by your phone, it’s sent through the web, and finally lands at your lock, where it’s decrypted. The command can only be unscrambled at the hardware level, so it makes your smart home safer from hackers.
I would be excited, too, but the most pressing problems concerning my home are:
  • The downstairs carpet is worn.
  • An increase in neighborhood noise makes window replacement very desirable.
  • A few bathroom tiles are cracked and I'm worried about water leakage.
  • Older homes in earthquake country require bolting to the foundation.

    I could have easily listed a dozen more problems, none of which would be solved by the Smart Home.

    On the other hand, if Apple is developing a smart robot that would handle them for me, I'm in.
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