Saturday, September 05, 2015

Our Favorite Pastime

The South Bay from 900 feet
By late afternoon on Wednesday the temperature had dropped to the 70's. It was an opportune time to test leg strength. As I plodded along at 3-4 mph, high-school cross country runners flew past. They think they're going to live forever, and, given how rapidly medical technology is advancing, they probably will.

After a couple of miles the terrain got steeper, and I had to use the walking stick. The chiropractor had been correct: it would take many months for the leg to get back to 100%.

3.5 miles in, I had reached the top of the trail. Descending was psychologically treacherous: the hard part was done (it's all downhill from here), and muscles are tired and prone to giving way if concentration flags.

With a mile to go I stopped at the farm. The cows and I looked at each other and ruminated, our favorite pastime.

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