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Politics was the leading cause of stress in 2014 (outsidethebeltway) |
The seeping of politics into the workplace causes stress that is harmful to health, writes Deepak Chopra. [bold added]
talking about politics has become the norm. Critics may complain that outrageous behavior from the White House is being normalized, but at a more hidden level, stress is being normalized too...the vast majority of lifestyle disorders, from heart disease and stroke to type 2 diabetes and probably cancer, are incremental diseases that take years or decades to develop before symptoms appear. The two main culprits of this are low-grade inflammation and chronic stress.Deepak Chopra has helpful suggestions about reducing workplace stress brought on by politics:
Football and religion---for some people it's the same thing!---used to be a refuge. No longer is that true in the NFL. My church isn't one either; the majority of resolutions to be decided at the Diocesan Convention in San Francisco are political (in bold):Focus on one thing at a time. Don’t multi-task. For example, don’t read political news while you’re working on a difficult project. Keep your focus relaxed instead of tense, which begins by working without interruptions in a quiet environment. Lose physical tension by standing up once an hour, preferably combined with a few stretches and a short walk. When a situation gets tense—especially if it’s a political argument—walk away as soon as you can. Take downtime three times a day when you can be quiet and alone. Take some deep breaths and center yourself. Maintain contact with the people who matter most to you for at least an hour a day, combining phone calls, texts, emails, and best of all, personal engagement. Don’t talk about politics. Stay away from the people at work who create pressure, show no regard for the comfort level of others, and force their politics on you.
Resolution 1: Repeal of Mandatory Retirement Age for Priests and DeaconsMr. Chopra said to "stay away from the people at work who create pressure, show no regard for the comfort level of others, and force their politics on you." Football fans and Episcopalians are following that advice, especially because, unlike work, they don't have to be there.
Resolution 2: Becoming a Sanctuary Church
Resolution 3: Becoming a Sanctuary Diocese
Resolution 4: Church-Wide Paid Family Leave Policy
Resolution 5: Task Force on Paid Family Leave
Resolution 6: Climate Change, Carbon Tax
Resolution 7: A Just Peace in the Holy Land
Resolution 8: Supporting Transgender Access
Resolution 9: Climate Change, Corporate Governance
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