Thursday, April 11, 2019

Give Me the Power, Lord

Seven years ago I blew the kitchen circuit in the 1950's-era building at the Lutheran church. I called Jerry at home--it was his parish--and he rushed over and showed me the control panel in one of the downstairs classrooms. Never operate two appliances at the same time, he said.

Lessons don't last, and one of the reasons is that memories fail. After activating the dishwasher tonight, I turned on the microwave to reheat a cup of coffee.

Oops. Everything in the kitchen shut down. The families at Home and Hope needed clean dishes, not to mention a working microwave in the morning.

I grabbed the only set of keys they left me. Would they work on the classrooms downstairs? Could I find the control panel, which I dimly remembered was in a back closet? Would I be able to find the switch and reset it? Yes, yes, and yes.

As the Baptists say, PTL (praise the Lord).

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