Thursday, March 26, 2020

Quiet Heartbreaks

With many thousands of people suffering from COVID-19 and millions on the front lines battling the virus every day, it seems crass and unfeeling to complain about the difficulties of those of us who merely have to stay home. Nevertheless, give a thought to quiet heartbreaks. In life we don't get a lot of those big celebrations, n'est-ce pas?
Many long-anticipated milestones will now never happen—or will pass by unobserved—as celebrations and events get canceled. Beneath the world-wide upheaval of lockdowns, quarantines and shortages, thousands of people are also privately mourning the loss of life’s special moments.
"Big" birthdays, hospital vigils, sports championships, graduations---the highs and lows of life when the human connection is most important--are gone.

I've been looking forward to my 50th class reunion in Hawaii this June. There's been no official announcement, but cancellation is 99% likely; some have already sent in regrets due to the uncertainty. Though the reunion is likely to be deferred to 2021 or perhaps this fall, attendance will surely suffer. Given the number of people who live on the Mainland, and trying not to be too morbid, some of us will miss a chance to see others for the last time.

In the meantime memories of our 40th reunion will have to suffice.

Give a thought to all the hard work by celebration planners, too.

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