Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Willie Advises the Democrats

Willie Brown is unabashedly partisan, but he doesn't hesitate to call out his fellow Democrats when he thinks they're on the wrong track:
Burning Kenosha used-car lot (Chron)
Burning and Looting Will Hand the Election to Trump
If they stand up and condemn the “demonstrators,” the left wing will label them as Trump flunkies and they’ll be in all sorts of trouble.

If they keep quiet or offer passive responses, voters will assume they’re OK with burning and looting.

What we need to do is have everyone, including the media, stop calling the after-dark destruction “demonstrations.”

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. did not cross the bridge at Selma under cover of darkness. You can’t even read a protest sign at night.

(NBC News photo)
Duck the Debates
Biden would probably get his backside kicked.

Biden has never been a good debater. He’s too civilized, too nuanced for a matchup with Trump.

It would be like Willie Brown taking on LeBron James in a one-on-one pickup game.

If the polls are to believed, Biden has a respectable lead over Trump in the states that are likely to decide the election.

Why mess with success? Why give your opponent an audience?

Kimberly Guilfoyle's speech was a blast
Democrat vs. Republican Conventions
In terms of entertainment value, the Republicans won hands down. Their telethon was livelier and better-produced than the Democrats’...

They also had a couple of showstoppers, like Sen. Tim Scott, a Black Republican from South Carolina, declaring that only in America could his family have gone “from cotton to Congress in one lifetime.” The best line of the convention, in my opinion...

Judging by the national reaction, the real star of week was San Francisco’s own former first lady Kimberly Guilfoyle. My cell phone started blowing up even before she was halfway through her “Evita” performance.

It was reality TV at its best.

Kim Kardashian, watch out.
According to Willie Brown Democrats should denounce the riots and duck the debates. It's not an inspiring strategy, but it's probably a sound one.

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