Thursday, July 20, 2023

Unappetizing Beginning

Looks like chicken (gizzards)
One of the running jokes in our family is how my Caucasian brother-in-law, who grew up eating beef and potatoes, has taken a long time to become acclimated to Asian cuisine. His problem is not so much the spices and flavors but the parts of the animals used in the dishes; when visiting Hawaii he has been taken by surprise more than once.

He let his guard down this week at the popular Side Street Inn near Waikiki. Offered a deep-fried appetizer, he tore into it with gusto...until it was revealed that he was consuming chicken gizzards.

By coincidence we were invited to dinner at the same restaurant tonight. Now eager to try the gizzards, we ordered a plate. To be honest, they were just so-so. The crust was excellent--crispy and not oily--but the insides were a little chewy.

Gizzards are tough and muscular, and I like to simmer them for an hour in garlic, ginger, and soy sauce. My brother-in-law was right to turn to the salads and beef and fish dishes, which were tasty and well-prepared. But I'm not going to admit it to him.

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