The efficacy or non-efficacy of vaccines get the headlines, but the Trump Administration's challenges to long-running assumptions about
diet may turn out to have greater significance. [bold added]
In 2005 federal recommendations dropped from 6 ounces of animal protein a day to 5.5 ounces of any type of protein. Worse, the guidelines use an inaccurate “ounce equivalent” measure to equate different protein sources. The body can synthesize at least two to four times as much protein from beef, eggs and pork as it can from “ounce equivalent” quantities of kidney beans, nuts or peanut butter.
[Brooke] Rollins and [Robert] Kennedy should reject suggestions from an expert committee that the 2025-30 federal guidelines place an even greater emphasis on plant-based proteins and that they recommend “reducing intakes of red and processed meats.” As the Agriculture Department found in 2010, there is either “no relationship” or a “limited inconsistent” relationship between any protein type and chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The National Academy of Medicine should also increase its recommended 0.8 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Studies find that 1.2 to 1.6 grams is a better range for weight loss, muscle maintenance, recovery from illness and overall well-being, especially for children and older adults.
In short eat more protein, and get it in the form of meat, not plants or
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