The lake at Berryessa Community Center
Yesterday’s little league Challengers baseball game was held at the Berryessa Community Center in Milpitas, just beyond the northeastern boundary of San Jose. The temperature soared into the 90’s, and many of the kids took the field in the second (and final) inning only after much cajoling. After he complained of over-heating, the catcher sat down and I took his place. The only protective gear I needed was suntan lotion, so I survived the experience.
In Challengers baseball no hitter ever strikes out, and parents of both teams cheer as runners round the bases. For these are special players: they have multiple sclerosis, Down’s syndrome, and other severe physical and mental disabilities. They endure challenges far more daunting than most of us will ever face in our lifetimes.
In this sport parental assistance is not only permitted but welcomed.
Every batter stands at the plate until he or she finally hits the underhand, soft-baseball pitch. On the rare occasions when the ball is fielded and actually makes it to first base, the runner is still safe and is assured of advancing on subsequent hits until reaching home. A pointless exercise, perhaps, from the perspective of the competitive and goal-oriented, but the kids enjoy it, and that’s enough reason to come every week. © 2004 Stephen Yuen
[A parent with "normal" kids has this perspective.]