Thursday, May 04, 2006


They squawk about censorship yet their celebrity status causes their opinions to be broadcast to the four corners of the globe. They worry aloud that their outspokenness will cost them their livelihood, while their films and music are awarded their professions’ highest honors and rake in millions. From the tenured safety of lifetime employment, others in the flock screech that their “dissent” is being “stifled”, while 9 out of 10 of their peers coo agreement. O the courage!

On the other side of the world their brave counterparts are shot for speaking out, their women beaten for wearing the wrong attire, their men jailed for murmuring disagreement. A fearful silence descends in the East with nary a peep from the Western guardians of free speech and the free press. They do not protest censorship when the censors are armed with bullets and bombs.

It’s safe here, and the complaints continue.

But I’ve stopped listening. © 2006 Stephen Yuen

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