Sunday, June 04, 2006


The courtyard of Chateau St. Jean in Sonoma County.

It's been a busy week---wrapping up school, hosting visitors, and tending to various projects at work---so there hasn't been a lot of time to comment, reflect, expound, and bloviate.

The political blogs, whether liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, are sour and unhappy. The Democrats have been bitter since the “stolen” election of 2000, which cemented their minority status in all three branches of government, while the Republicans are disappointed, to say the least, in their leadership over a host of issues. Neither winning nor, of course, losing, appears to result in happiness.

I’ve lost a number of friends this year to disease, and it’s safe to say that none of them viewed the issues---energy, global warming, illegal immigration, Iraq---currently roiling the political waves as central to their lives. Yesterday the arguments were over stem-cell research and FEMA, tomorrow they may well be about Quemoy and Matsu (again).

It’s time to get out and enjoy the spectacular Goldilocksian (not too hot or cold) weather. After allotting hours to our various callings and the service of others, we also need to appreciate the gift of Creation’s beauty and spend time with our family and friends. Hunting and pecking before a glowing screen is not the way to do it. I hope I’m not being presumptuous, but I’m sure that’s what my friends would say. © 2006 Stephen Yuen

The Golden Gate Bridge from the St. Francis Yacht Club, San Francisco.

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