Most attendees had a pleasant experience at the
Foster City Arts and Wine Festival two weeks ago. However, misfortune awaited an unlucky few. From the
Foster City police blotter:
Friday, June 1, 2012
5:51 p.m. - Civil Dispute - Occurred at Recreation Center on Shell Blvd. Juvenile RP requests assistance due to being swindled by "rigged" carnival games. Advice was rendered and parent declined any further Police assistance.
8:08 p.m. - Lost Property - Occurred at Recreation Center on Shell Blvd. RP lost an iPod Touch at the fairground within the last 30 minutes.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
1 p.m. - Lost Property - Occurred at Foster City Police Dept on Shell Blvd. RP at the front counter reports his daughter lost her black iTouch 4 last night at the Art and Wine Carnival. iTouch had a clear jewel case; entered APS.
Carnival games that are difficult to win, iPods that are lost and perhaps stolen....after decades of pax suburbica, could Foster City be entering a period of disquiet?