Friday, August 24, 2012

The Open Road

Single-lane traffic moved at 55 mph on the road south.
One advantage that the Mainland has over my home state of Hawaii is that it's easy to assuage a feeling of restlessness. We filled up the tank and pointed the van south to Los Angeles.

There were five-mile stretches of I-5 that slowed to a single lane due to road construction. The passengers didn't mind. They were occupied with playing games and answering text messages on their iPhones and iPads....activities that they might be engaging in anyway had they stayed home.

Sometimes the passengers even set aside their electronic devices and engaged in conversation. They chatted more during one day on the road than they would have during a week at home.

Going away to find oneself has been a staple of literature going all the way back to the Greeks. In the 21st century we go away to find each other.

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