Friday, March 15, 2013

Springing Forward

Park deer have no fear of humans.
It was only our second visit this year. Foot traffic at Rancho San Antonio Park seems to be increasing.

School cross country teams charge up the hills at a pace far exceeding my plodding capability. Pairs of casual walkers converse, sans interruptions, about sundry subjects with nature as the backdrop. The older kids run ahead, and mothers push their strollers toward Deer Hollow Farm.

A week before spring, the conditions are perfect....almost. One must keep a wary eye on the wasps, bees, and mosquitoes that can pounce suddenly from the trees; last year it took a couple of days for the welts to subside when a large stinging insect took a liking to my hair. Now I pick up the pace when a buzz is heard.

The parking lot was still filled at 6 p.m., a phenomenon assisted by Daylight Savings Time and the lack of rain. We and many others, it appears, will be returning soon. © 2013 Stephen Yuen

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