Friday, June 28, 2013

Honolulu at Night

The view south from St. Louis Heights 
Honolulu at night is comfortably warm. A T-shirt suffices when going out.  Unlike during the day, though, the lower temperature permits the wearing of a light jacket without overheating.  Wool suits, while elegant, are the mark of the newcomer.

Every year there are more lights from the decades-long building boom. Roofs sport solar panels, which are now making economic sense in the southernmost State.

The roads are jammed to capacity, and most of the residential construction is occurring west and north to where pineapple and sugar cane once grew.  However, Waikiki and downtown should remain the centers of commerce, culture, and government, and Honolulu at night should grow brighter for the foreseeable future.
© 2013 Stephen Yuen

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