Thursday, June 11, 2015

Manly Pedi

NBA players, including some on the Finals teams, get regular pedicures. Of course, the 'ballers say that pedicures aren't for beautifying.
players say athletic pedicures clean up their calluses, clear off unhealthy skin and stamp out injuries that can come from cutting back and forth while running more than 2 miles in a single game.
Delicate sensibilities prevent me from showing gnarly photos of athletes' extremities, particularly Shaquille O'Neal's.

But let's bring this back to what's important, namely me.

Yes, children, Dad had to count beans in a suit and without
looking at his fingers
. (
40 years ago someone should have told your humble observer, who wore out his fingers running 10-key adding machines (audits then required tapes proving that computers added properly), that manicures were not a lady-like indulgence. Keeping hands soft and supple was absolutely necessary to first-class performance.

If I only ticked and tied faster, I coulda been in the Accounting Hall of Fame....

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