Sunday, June 21, 2009

Terribly Un-Christian Thoughts About Iran

As the Iranian regime responds with ever increasing brutality against its own people, I think about the many U.S. and Iraqi casualties that have been caused by Improvised Explosive Devices that originated from Iran. I think about how Iran has done its best to destroy the nascent Iraqi democracy by arming death squads to kill innocents and foment sectarian strife.

And then I think about how the regime holds on to its power because the Iranian people are outgunned (but not outmanned). Well, we got guns.

Imagine: 1) a homegrown, not imposed, democratic government in Iran; 2) the postponement if not cancellation of Iran's nuclear weapons program; 3) how, with the removal of its biggest threat to survival, Israel would be more inclined to make concessions; 4) all this accomplished with no American casualties. To be sure, our hands would be wet with blood that is not our own, and that is why these are terribly un-Christian thoughts to hold on this Father's Day Sunday, full of portent and promise.

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