Sunday, November 04, 2012

Stubbornly Staying Put

Indefatigable California native and critic Victor Davis Hanson says he's not leaving because California has all the tools it needs to recover its past greatness:
The four-part solution for California is clear: don’t raise the state’s crushing taxes any higher; reform public-employee compensation; make use of ample natural resources; and stop the flow of illegal aliens. Just focus on those four areas—as California did so well in the past—and in time, the state will return to its bounty of a few decades ago. Many of us intend to stay and see that it does.
Too simple? Let's give it a try for a few years by concentrating on basic governmental services, e.g, education, transportation, and public safety, and by eliminating expensive trophy projects like $100 billion high-speed rail lines to nowhere.

Watch what animal spirits are unleashed. I hope I live long enough to see it.

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