Friday, November 07, 2014

At the Recycling Center

When the bins by the fence are filled, I load them into the car and take them to the San Mateo recycling center. It usually takes ten minutes to collect $10-$15, which is the equivalent of earning $15-$25 before tax.

At 1:30 on Friday the prospect of quick lunch money dimmed as the line moved with the speed of molasses. Everyone had a sour expression, except for one lady who rolled out a couple of empty barrels for me to use. 20 minutes later there were still three customers and six full containers in front of mine.

I caught the attention of the helpful lady and pointed to my three barrels of plastics and cans. You can have them. "Really?" Yes. The memory of her surprise and pleasure will stay with me a lot longer than ten bucks ever would have.

[Update - 11/10: economists and psychologists are probing the complex relationship between money and happiness. One of several findings:
The paradox of money is that although earning more of it tends to enhance our well-being, we become happier by giving it away than by spending it on ourselves.]
© 2014 Stephen Yuen

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