Dad, 92, relaxes at Ala Moana with a decaf latte. |
Below is an old Father's Day post, last run five years ago.
I remember when Dad
Drove me to Little League three times a week and helped me work on my pitching motion every day after school.
Worked three jobs, which explained why he was always tired, so that he could buy a house and send all his kids to private school.
Installed all the wiring when the church put in its pipe organ.
Bought me a violin for $350, which was a lot of money in 1965.
Let me visit him in his office, where he was the manager. The atmosphere was hushed, quieter than a classroom (this was a long time ago).
Taught me chess, which was not one of his favorite games.
Helped get me great summer jobs at Brewer Chemical and Dole Pineapple.
Quit smoking, for his sake and ours, when the Surgeon General issued the first warning on cigarettes.
Gave me the family car when I learned how to drive.
Lectured me on how to treat women----politely, and always with respect.
Happy Father's Day, Dad, we'll see you soon.
© 2018 Stephen Yuen
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