Monday, March 30, 2009

Impassioned Plea

Yesterday I heard a guest preacher give an impassioned plea for us to change our ways. If we didn’t, doom was just around the corner. And we had to do more than repent and change our own individual behavior, we had to persuade non-believers to do the same. She railed against “doubting Thomases” who refuse to accept and join the movement.

Of course, the topic was global warming, aka climate change. This brief post is not to debate the many aspects of the climate change issue, but to observe that in my five decades of worship at various Episcopal churches I have never heard a priest talk as passionately about the fundamentals of the Christian faith--quaint notions about man’s sinful nature, salvation through Christ alone, repentance and rebirth by accepting the Holy Spirit, etc.

Perhaps it’s because many of the church leaders don’t believe that ancient stuff any more. From their words and deeds it’s clear what they really believe. © 2009 Stephen Yuen

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