Monday, March 09, 2009

Laugh It Up, Fuzzballs

My first profession, accounting, is universally mocked. (I wouldn’t mind being lumped in with bankers, the current butt of jokes, if I could get their pay.) Below is the start of the conversation between Simon Constable of Dow Jones and David Gaffen of the Wall Street Journal.

SC: We’re talking accounting, but don’t fall asleep just yet because this time it’s really critical. It’s the week ahead. I’m Simon Constable joined as ever by David Gaffen. David, something big in accounting happening this week.

DG: Yes it is, if you can believe it. On Thursday the House Financial Services Committee is holding a hearing on mark-to-market accounting.

SC: Whoo-oo!

DG: Yeah, I know. Before you all fall asleep, this is that rule etc.
(Here's the video if you want to watch the whole thing.)

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