Sunday, July 31, 2016

More Done Than Said

For the third time this year it was our turn to serve Sandwiches on Sunday to the teeming masses (okay, it was 60 people, but when they fed five thousand from a few loaves and fishes I bet they rounded up, too) at the community center.

If a minister is present, he or she says the blessing; otherwise, Rob or I do the honors. Rob did a conversational meditation, informal and appealing, but ended with the formal Sign of the Cross. The majority of Episcopalians no longer do the sign when "in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" is spoken, but many in the audience responded, indicating perhaps that they and Rob had a Catholic upbringing.

We served the lasagna, distributed the bag lunches, and scooped the leftovers into take-home containers. Sometimes the patrons linger, but today we were finished in an hour.

I joked with one of our regular volunteers, who has sat through interminable Vestry meetings: "That's the Episcopal Church, a well-oiled machine." He's a banking executive, too, so he knows meetings.

Our next Sandwiches outing is in October, when we will be hopeful that there will again be more done than said.

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