Even allowing for an increase in trick o'treaters from last year's thirty-four (34), the bulk bag of 120 wrapped candies should have been more than enough. The door bell began ringing at 6 p.m.. I dispensed three pieces to each ghost and goblin, but quickly cut back to two apiece as I was answering the door every 5 minutes.
By the end of the evening we had 65 visitors and all the candy was gone. Well, better them than me. (Scientists now claim that sugar is "toxic." Like tackle football, Halloween candy for kids will likely be severely restricted in a few years.)
Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Counting for a Lot
The Grand Scheduler was kind this year. October 30th was our last Sandwiches on Sunday for 2016, and we would not be due to serve lunch at the Fair Oaks Community Center until 2017. (In most years we would be assigned to Thanksgiving weekend or the weekend between Christmas and New Year’s Day---not that there’s anything wrong with that!)
Our cooks prepared a lunch of baked chicken and rice, salad, doughnuts, and bread. There were 30 people waiting in line at the opening, and the count eventually grew to 50. We had prepared enough food for 80-100 diners, and there were no leftovers. Lunch-goers helped themselves to second and third helpings and took home the rest in plastic containers that we had saved from restaurants and grocery stores.
For over 13 years our Episcopal parish has been one of five churches on the rotation. (The lead sponsor, St. Pius Catholic Church, makes up bag lunches every week for diners to take home--hence the name Sandwiches on Sunday.) It may not seem like much, but to some members of our community being able to count on a hot meal and a bag lunch every Sunday at noon, rain or shine, counts for a lot.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Close to the Breaking Point
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Stuck for hours on the streets of San Francisco (SF Gate) |
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San Mateo Hwy 92 crash (SM Daily Journal photo) |
Meanwhile, close to where we live, another big rig crash closed the major East-West artery Highway 92 for three hours.
If you can make ends meet by quitting, retiring or taking a lower paying job closer to home, do it. The aggravation ain't worth it.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Government in the Dark: A Good Thing?
A vibrant nightlife is a mark of a thriving city and brings in tourists, jobs, the arts, and restaurants. It also creates problems that inconvenience residents. Management of cities-than-never-sleep requires special skills, hence the creation of the positions of Night Mayor in Amsterdam and Night Czar in London.
San Francisco is one of the top destination cities in the world, but its nightlife isn't what it used to be. San Franciscans are fond of the current mayor, but nightlife management is probably not in his wheelhouse.
A San Francisco Night Mayor: now that's one government expansion that might draw enthusiastic bipartisan support.
The night mayor’s job is to breathe life into cities and to create a space for culture to flourish after offices close.Amsterdam Night Mayor Mirik Milan:
Mr Milan argues that every city larger than 200,000 people would benefit from a night mayor, and that it might help mid-sized cities hold on to young creative people. “People move to the big city because there are more jobs, but also because it’s more fun,” he says. “They are not coming to London for the weather.”
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Ed Lee: not a party animal (Examiner photo) |
A San Francisco Night Mayor: now that's one government expansion that might draw enthusiastic bipartisan support.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Every Cat Has Its Day
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Cat shelter built so strays would come back. (WSJ photo) |
Not on the same level as life and death, but important to sufferers, is the plague of rats that Chicagoans are experiencing and the solution that seems to be working [bold added]:
Chicago is awash in rats. A mild winter last year allowed broods of baby rats to survive, leading to an explosion of the critters, terrorizing residents as they run around their yards and dumpsters. By September, there had been 27,000 rat complaints, a 40% increase from 2015.Comments:
This is turning the alley cat, once considered a rabid urban menace threatening small children and pets, into a prized possession.
1) Our former neighbor two houses away used to let her pet cat roam free at night. It kept the whole neighborhood rat free, but now that she's moved away we've sighted the occasional roof rat (thankfully, not at our house).
2) We've been longtime supporters of the Homeless Cat Network (HCN), which traps, neuters, and returns feral cats to the wild. HCN also feeds the cats in their Bay habitat and has a perhaps-surprising ally in the Audubon Society due to the reduced killing of Bay wildfowl.
3) It's in a way unfortunate that HCN has been so successful---we have no cats to export to Chicago.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
O, to be Young Again
LinkedIn regularly e-mails a list of Bay Area jobs that its computer thinks---yes, I'm anthropomorphizing---I'm qualified to do. (This particular e-mail didn't filter the list.)
The number of opportunities causes me to wish that I were 30 years younger. OTOH, I'd probably have a hard time affording the rent.
The number of opportunities causes me to wish that I were 30 years younger. OTOH, I'd probably have a hard time affording the rent.
Monday, October 24, 2016
An "Enlightening Election", But Keep Your Perspective
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Discussions often end up by calling the other side "Hitler" (Godwin's Law) |
this time we’re addressing core issues that divide us: racism, sexual assault, Islamophobia, immigration, elitism, anti-Semitism, authoritarianism and whether to require drug tests before political debates.(Okay, the last was an amusing aside.) Joel Stein says that historian Douglas Brinkley agrees with him:
“This has been a hellbroth of stew that’s been tacky and tawdry, but the reason a lot is coming out is because we’ve been avoiding the big conversations,” he said when I called to talk about the election. Now, he said, we’re discussing what our culture should be like, how unfiltered we want to be, if we want to engage other countries and whether our institutions are trustworthy.Therapists say that airing our differences is healthy, but experience shows that's not always true. Long-time married couples know that it's often better to back down or remain silent than to risk breaking the relationship.
Speak your mind if you must, but do so in a manner that doesn't inflame people who disagree. After Election Day you will have to go back to working with some colleagues who voted for the other person. Your vote really didn't matter, but your job, marriage, and friendships do.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
A Lout and a Liar
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Archbishop Charles Chaput |
a friend describes the choice facing voters in November this way: A vulgar, boorish lout and disrespecter of women, with a serious impulse control problem; or a scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.Comments:
1) Hey, nobody's perfect.
2) What happened to hate the sin, love the sinner? (In other words she's a liar is a greater condemnation than she lies.)
3) It wasn't me, I'm only quoting a "friend."
4) Can't wait till it's over.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
If You Have to Axle, You Can't Afford It
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Brandon S.: home is where the gearbox is (SF Gate pic) |
South Bay techie says he saved $100k while living in his truck for 16 months.Even in the current bubble, the rent saved should be around $1,500 per month, not the $6,000+ that the headline implies. What he really said: [bold added]
"The going rate for a one-bedroom studio apartment in South Bay is anywhere from $1,500 up, so a minimum of 16 months x $1,500/month = $24,000 in rent. But since I'm also living more simply, I've avoided having to buy random furniture and home-fixings that I couldn't care less about, and that's much harder to quantify. In total, my investment nest-egg just passed the $100,000 mark a few weeks ago, but where it would be if I hadn't opted for the box truck is hard to nail down."People who live out of their cars do so by necessity. "Brandon S." does so voluntarily. The fact that he has socked away $6,000 per month indicates a healthy income. He's a Google engineer and 24 years old. And girls....he's still single.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Come Back When It's Up To My Neck
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(Image from BBC News) |
Or maybe he's just being rational. Who wants to wade in the water with all that electricity crackling about?
Hey, Ah Sook, are you done with the sports?
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Advice from a Champion
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Eddie DeBartolo introduced Charles Haley at his 2015 HOF induction |
Q: You must be dismayed at what you're seeing on the field. Why aren't they [the 49ers] winning, Charles?(Yes, he had the presence of mind to say "effin'" on AM radio.)
A: Winning is a tradition. Winning is an attitude. I tell the guys, I know the secret to winning. Do you know the secret to winning? (pause)
Do your effin' job and win!
Charles Haley was known both for his tremendous talent and wild bouts of behavior (one of the most highly publicized--and tamer--episodes was urinating on a teammate's car). After football he was diagnosed with and received treatment for bipolar disorder. He now coaches, teaches, and engages in charity work.
From his Hall of Fame induction speech:
My life spiraled out of control for years, for years, but today, guys, I am getting back into the locker room, to my teammates, and tell them guys the mistakes that I've made, and that the only way that you can grow is that you've got to ask for help.What Charles Haley did during his playing days was impressive, what he did after is inspirational.
I walked into the league a 22 year old man with a 16 year old inside of me screaming for help, and I would not ask for it. I would not ask for that help. But today, guys, I take my medicine every day, and I try to inspire others to do the same, and that's because I finally listened and thank you.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Stop It Because There's No Going Back
Whenever prices rise rapidly in an important market (e.g., housing, medical care, gasoline) one may expect to hear a call for price controls. And so it is that five midsize Bay Area cities, Burlingame, San Mateo, Mountain View, Alameda, and Richmond have rent control on the ballot on November 8th.
There are some significant exemptions in the San Mateo proposal:
The examples that engender the most sympathy--elderly and/or disabled renters who are "marked to market" after their leases expire--deserve help. It's far better to render means-tested assistance directly to these groups than to promulgate rules to a diverse and dynamic market (For example, rules will limit rent increases on some tenants who are wealthier than their landlords).
Besides, there are signs that a real-estate slowdown is approaching.
At the root of the issue is that there isn’t nearly enough housing for all the new jobs. Between 2008 and 2015, the four counties that make up the heart of the region added 400,000 jobs, while permits were issued for just 86,000 new housing units.Rent control has been debated in the United States for nearly one hundred years, and I'll spare you, dear reader, a rehashing of the arguments pro and con (I'm con, by the way, though I do have sympathy for and would like to help some renters).
Rents for an average apartment in the San Jose region have jumped 37% in the past five years to more than $2,700 a month, according to research firm Axiometrics.
There are some significant exemptions in the San Mateo proposal:
Single-family homes, condominiums and owner-occupied duplexes as well as [those with secondary units where the owner occupies either the primary or secondary unit] are exempt from the proposed law.Despite its limited applicability, these initial rent control measures are the camel's nose under the tent. Rent-control bureaucracies will be created, and regulations will be issued. From historical experience bureaucracies and regulations only expand and never go away.
If approved, the law would not apply to any future developments or new housing. Per the Costa-Hawkins Act, all apartment buildings constructed after Feb. 1, 1995, would not be subject to the proposed rent stabilization measures; however, residents of existing multi-unit dwellings would receive protection against being evicted without cause.
The examples that engender the most sympathy--elderly and/or disabled renters who are "marked to market" after their leases expire--deserve help. It's far better to render means-tested assistance directly to these groups than to promulgate rules to a diverse and dynamic market (For example, rules will limit rent increases on some tenants who are wealthier than their landlords).
Besides, there are signs that a real-estate slowdown is approaching.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Price Pique
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New appliances...but $4,600 a month? |
The two-bedroom we walked through had state-of-the-art electronics and appliances, but $4,600 a month!?! Sure, it had a nice gym, pool, and rec room, along with secured lockers for Amazon and UPS deliveries, but still...the daily cost was $150, which not that long ago was the tariff for a nice hotel room in the City.
Update: maybe the market is cooling. The website popup now advertises six weeks of free rent (probably for a one-year lease).
Monday, October 17, 2016
No Vision
One of the strange aspects of this political season is that the economy, jobs, and government deficits are afterthoughts in the national conversation. The most likely reason--aside from the pull of talking about emotional topics and celebrity personalities--is that the candidates and their experts don't really know what to do. The usual tools, i.e., government spending, tax cuts, low interest rates, haven't worked. Like peace in the Middle East, economic growth has proved elusive no matter who's been in charge.
Some say that this is a return to the old normal. The long post-World War II boom was super-normal, the result of a special confluence of factors: [bold added]
Humanity may currently be viewed as superfluous, redundant, and inferior (to intelligent machines), but as they migrate to the stars 7-10 billion human beings are each unique, irreplaceable, and valuable in an infinite universe. Cheers!
Some say that this is a return to the old normal. The long post-World War II boom was super-normal, the result of a special confluence of factors: [bold added]
The workforce everywhere became vastly more educated. As millions of laborers shifted from tending sheep and hoeing potatoes to working in factories and construction sites, they could create far more economic value. New motorways boosted productivity in the transportation sector by letting truck drivers cover longer distances with larger vehicles. Faster ground transportation made it practical, in turn, for farms and factories to expand to sell not just locally but regionally or nationally, abandoning craft methods in favor of machinery that could produce more goods at lower cost. Six rounds of tariff reductions brought a massive increase in cross-border trade, putting even stronger competitive pressure on manufacturers to become more efficient.The initial wave of technology adoption created jobs, but now technology is inexorably grinding them away.
What some economists now call “secular stagnation” might better be termed “ordinary performance.”The advent of genius machines will render unnecessary the skills of two-thirds of the workforce. In other words, Average is Over:
America is dividing itself in two. At the top will be 10% to 15% of high achievers, the "Tiger Mother" kids if you like, whose self-motivation and mastery of technology will allow them to roar away into the future. Then there will be everyone else, slouching into an underfunded future of lower economic expectations, shantytowns and an endless diet of beans.For the record, your humble blogger does not subscribe to this bleak vision. Seemingly under our noses a new space age is dawning.
Humanity may currently be viewed as superfluous, redundant, and inferior (to intelligent machines), but as they migrate to the stars 7-10 billion human beings are each unique, irreplaceable, and valuable in an infinite universe. Cheers!
Sunday, October 16, 2016
167th Diocesan Convention
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L to R: Rev. Joseph Peters-Matthews, David Franquist, Christoper Hayes, Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus |
The Episcopal Church is a religious organization, but it is like other non-profits in that it must have an annual meeting to listen to reports, approve budgets, elect officers, and vote on resolutions. Of course, at Convention there's also worshipping, singing, praying, and sermonizing, but those are adornments. Without the legal requirements, IMHO, we probably wouldn't have this large a gathering of laity and clergy. How do I know this? In past years no official business was conducted on the Friday portion of Convention and was much less well attended; it's a hassle for the majority who don't live in San Francisco to head into town on a Friday.
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Hard to read, so I just listened. |
Saturday, October 15, 2016
The Pain from the Rain is Our Gain
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Before leaving for SF, I set out the splash block |
My umbrella, unused for four years, fell apart when I opened it on Market Street. Hair soaked like Gene Kelly's, I nevertheless had a glorious feeling.
Friday, October 14, 2016
At the Fairmont
After morning meetings in the Financial District, I headed up the hill to the annual meeting; it was convention time for the Episcopal Diocese of California (last year's reflection here).
There were a couple of hours to kill, so I took shelter from the season's first rain in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel.
The Fairmont still is the place to see and be seen, with beautiful people coming and going throughout the day.
The description is not meant pejoratively. No one was flashy; the typical dress was expensive California casual, and most were thin, tanned, and moved with quiet elegance.
My middle-class neighborhood on the Peninsula is only a few miles south, but it's a world away.
There were a couple of hours to kill, so I took shelter from the season's first rain in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel.
The Fairmont still is the place to see and be seen, with beautiful people coming and going throughout the day.
The description is not meant pejoratively. No one was flashy; the typical dress was expensive California casual, and most were thin, tanned, and moved with quiet elegance.
My middle-class neighborhood on the Peninsula is only a few miles south, but it's a world away.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Counter-Intuitive Driving
Everyone knows from experience that one driver can cause a traffic jam. The extreme example is a bad accident during peak periods, when traffic is delayed for many hours.
But the opposite is also true: [bold added]
According to Seattle engineer William Beaty,
1) Allow the gap to open in front, but don't drive so slowly that cars behind you are always changing lanes to pass. The risk of an accident increases as they cut in front of left-lane speeders.
2) When your frustration builds, do a quick thought experiment: imagine the potential cost in $$$ and/or bodily injury by driving aggressively and measure that against the potential time savings, normally a few minutes. It's a sobering comparison, so relax, breathe, and pity the Type-A drivers who are damaging their health, whether or not they get into an accident.
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(WSJ Graphic) |
An individual driver, by preventing bottlenecks and maintaining a steady speed, can sometimes single-handedly ease or break up a traffic jam.The approach is common-sense but requires the sublimation of territoriality ("it's my lane"), impatience, and pride ("aggressive" driving is still a complimentary phrase). Also, un-jamming methods are futile when the number of cars is overwhelming.
The techniques are simple, though some of them—such as leaving a large gap between your car and the one in front and freely letting other drivers cut in—feel counterintuitive to most drivers.
According to Seattle engineer William Beaty,
His techniques won’t work if you’re already locked in bumper-to-bumper traffic and can’t find anywhere to open a gap, Mr. Beaty says. Also, some congestion is irreducible, when the volume of traffic exceeds the capacity of the road.A couple more comments, if one wants to adopt this method of driving:
1) Allow the gap to open in front, but don't drive so slowly that cars behind you are always changing lanes to pass. The risk of an accident increases as they cut in front of left-lane speeders.
2) When your frustration builds, do a quick thought experiment: imagine the potential cost in $$$ and/or bodily injury by driving aggressively and measure that against the potential time savings, normally a few minutes. It's a sobering comparison, so relax, breathe, and pity the Type-A drivers who are damaging their health, whether or not they get into an accident.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
A Surprise Nonetheless
California is one of the states with the strictest gun control laws (see graphic below), and anti-gun sentiment is strongest among coastal redoubts like the Peninsula.
Your humble blogger had to look twice at the display in the Foster City Costco. First, that was a lot of inventory. Second, the big-box retailer only sells products for which there is brisk demand.
This strange political year has been filled with unexpected revelations about our fellow citizens. Ammo boxes at Costco may not have been the biggest surprise, but it was a surprise nonetheless.
Your humble blogger had to look twice at the display in the Foster City Costco. First, that was a lot of inventory. Second, the big-box retailer only sells products for which there is brisk demand.
This strange political year has been filled with unexpected revelations about our fellow citizens. Ammo boxes at Costco may not have been the biggest surprise, but it was a surprise nonetheless.
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Graphic from Slate.com |
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
It's the Law to Stall Progress
At one of my favorite holes-in-the-wall in the Sunset District the signage on the Men's and Women's restrooms has been changed.
They're getting a jump on the new law. Two weeks ago Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill requiring "that businesses and governments post non-gender-specific signs on single-occupant restrooms by March 1, 2017."
There is a beneficial side-effect to the new signage: greater efficiency. Often I've observed ladies waiting outside "their" restroom while the Men's room was unoccupied. Everyone can now use either restroom, and overall wait times should go down. Progress.
They're getting a jump on the new law. Two weeks ago Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill requiring "that businesses and governments post non-gender-specific signs on single-occupant restrooms by March 1, 2017."
There is a beneficial side-effect to the new signage: greater efficiency. Often I've observed ladies waiting outside "their" restroom while the Men's room was unoccupied. Everyone can now use either restroom, and overall wait times should go down. Progress.
Monday, October 10, 2016
Shooting the NBC Messenger--But They Do Deserve It
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At the 2nd debate (ABC News) |
NBC sat on the video for 11 years. Clearly they knew what they had; the content was explosive and could fatally wound his candidacy. If NBC News purported to be any kind of news organization, it would have published this information when Mr. Trump began campaigning, long before Mr. Trump had won the nomination. He wouldn't have gotten far, and the Republicans would have fielded a much more credible, seasoned Presidential nominee.
Mrs. Clinton might have still beaten Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, or any candidate other than Donald Trump, but the country is measurably poorer for not only having a choice of a better Republican nominee but also a more enlightened discussion about the future. For not having this opportunity I do blame NBC. Such gamesmanship would be expected from political partisans but not from a news organization. I guess they really are Democratic operatives with bylines.
[Addendum: Wall Street Journal -- NBC Plays Defense After Trump Recording Surfaces.
The focus in the WSJ article is the impact on the career of Today host Billy Bush, Mr. Trump's interlocutor on the controversial recording. Sounds like a misdirect to me--the real consequence was the torpedoing of the whole GOP nominating process.]
Sunday, October 09, 2016
Before the Fall
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Jennifer Weiner, Princeton '91 |
I was particularly struck by writer Jennifer Weiner's reflections on one of the deadly sins, pride ("arrogance"), that on rare occasions troubles your humble blogger:
Arrogance is a mistake that many people make when they’re younger. I went to Princeton and graduated summa cum laude—I thought I’d be one of those 22-year-old hot young things with a book deal. But my first job out of college was as an education reporter at this small daily paper in central Pennsylvania. Part of my job was typing the lunch menus for five school districts. Every Monday, I’d be typing, ‘Hot Dog in Bun, Milk.’ I was so mad—I wanted desperately to be in New York City working at a magazine. But, honest to God, it taught me humility. I was in a different part of the country outside of my comfort zone; I had to find stories to tell. I couldn’t be snotty about who I thought was interesting and who wasn’t. In retrospect, I’m so glad that I was 31 and not 21 when my first book came out, because I would not have handled it well.She learned in ten years what took me thirty.
Saturday, October 08, 2016
Friday, October 07, 2016
"He is the Mark Zuckerberg of Guns"
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(WSJ photo) |
has spent the past four years designing a handgun with a fingerprint reader built into the grip, and he deferred his acceptance to MIT after winning a grant from the Smart Tech Challenges Foundation in 2014. His startup, Biofire, is just a few months from a live-firing prototype, which, assuming it works, will be the first gun to unlock like an iPhone. [bold added]Young Mr. Kloepfer has spent years designing a gun that not only looks and feels like a regular Glock 22 but also addresses the concerns that caused previous smart-gun prototypes to fail: speed of activation, reliability, and battery life.
When you pick up the Biofire gun, it wakes up from a low-power mode and activates the microprocessor and sensor. Processing your print requires roughly a second and a half; Kloepfer says he can get the delay down to less than half a second with more work on the software. Assuming your fingerprint is a match, the circuitry releases an internal trigger lock. As long as your middle finger remains in place, the pistol is ready to fire.The firearms industry is wary of the technology. What if a smart gun can be shut down by a hacker (government or otherwise)?
There’s no way to access the tech in Kloepfer’s gun without taking it apart. The USB plug is just for charging; it doesn’t connect to the internet or even a smartphone app and can’t be controlled remotely. The gun is a “single-purpose application,” he says—more like a toaster than a smartphone—that makes it much, much more difficult to hack or for the government to control.Another objection: government will mandate the technology once it comes to market, just as once-optional seat belts and motorcycle helmets became required. (This is not pro-gun paranoia: the New Jersey Childproof Handgun Law requires the use of smart locks on new guns within three years after the technology is introduced.)
IMHO, the gun lobby is not thinking strategically. Two-thirds of Americans don't own guns, and the reasons are not necessarily ideological. If safety concerns could be reduced through technology, that might bring in thousands, perhaps millions of new customers, some of whom would pay membership dues. Dealing with the lawmakers could be complicated, but that obstacle has been managed before. Don't resist the technology, embrace it.
Thursday, October 06, 2016
Cracking It Open: Not All It Was Cracked Up to Be
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Sergei Skorobogatov (BusinessInsider) |
In March it was revealed that the "FBI paid under $1 million to unlock San Bernardino iPhone". (An earlier estimate had been $1.3 million.) It now looks like the FBI overpaid. Cambridge University professor Sergei Skorobogatov performed the feat using equipment costing less than $100 [bold added]:
NAND mirroring makes a copy of a phone’s memory in its undisturbed state. Using an iPhone of his own, Dr Skorobogatov was able repeatedly to overwrite its memory with the copy he had made before he began his guesses. This caused the instrument to forget that he had made any guesses at all, avoiding any temporary lockouts and ensuring that the data would never be wiped clean. That, in turn, permitted him to brute-force the PIN six guesses at a time, resetting the phone to its original condition between each batch of guesses.Dr. Skorobogatov first came to popular attention in 2012 when he claimed that a "backdoor" had been built into U.S. military systems' computer chips made in China. These claims were denied by the defense industry. His work, including the iPhone demonstration noted above, since that episode has only enhanced his credibility, while U.S. government systems have proved to be wildly insecure.
On the other hand, why should we believe a Russian-surnamed English guy over the American government?
Wednesday, October 05, 2016
Peak Bay Area Sports
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Signing autographs at Lefty's in 2012. |
We watched him hit his first grand slam home run in 2014. (He hit two in 2014, more grand slams than Yankee future Hall-of-Fame shortstop Derek Jeter hit in his entire career.)
Before last night's Wild Card single-elimination game against the Mets, Madison Bumgarner was already one of the best postseason pitchers in baseball history.
After he completed the shut out against the Mets, baseball observers could only marvel:
Bumgarner showed again that he absolutely owns the postseason. This four-hitter was not even his first in a wild-card game; he also did it in 2014 in Pittsburgh....In his last nine postseason games, Bumgarner is 6-0 with a 0.79 E.R.A., and that very big [five-inning save against the Royals in Game 7 of the 2014 World Series].With the Warriors and Sharks about to begin a season where both teams are expected to be championship contenders, with the Giants entering a playoff run, and with all-time great players like Madison Bumgarner and Stephen Curry playing for home teams, Bay Area sports fans have never had more to look forward to (and please, don't let's talk about the 49ers).
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
As Mother Said, Don't Slouch, Don't Mumble
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Not very warm and fuzzy (Wisdom Times image) |
New research shows that striking the right balance of power and authority with warmth and empathy is essential. If executives’ body language conveys too many power signals, they appear aloof. But too much warmth can prevent them from setting themselves apart and commanding the attention of others.Some of the public speaking tips per the WSJ article are:
Personally, I like moving-while-talking, because it means that the speaker does not need a teleprompter and knows the subject matter cold. For video productions, though, unless you have a cameraman who tracks the speaker, stifle excess, distracting movement.
As looking good becomes ever more important, the hardest part, IMHO, is the discipline to get enough sleep and hit the gym. Too bad they never taught me that in business school.
Monday, October 03, 2016
Let's Roll
News we oldsters can genuinely use - Martial-Arts Move May Lessen Impact of a Fall on Hip. Researchers analyzed seven falling techniques:
Martial-arts rolling, which involves bending the knees and rotating slightly backward during a fall, was the only technique to significantly reduce impact on the hip.Perhaps stating the obvious: if one has the reflexes to perform the move, one is unlikely to lose one's balance in the first place. Also, it seems to this observer that the move could endanger the back of one's head. On the other hand, I do know several people for whom injuries from a fall were devastating, and here's hoping that this information results in fewer hip fractures.
Sunday, October 02, 2016
Blessing of the Animals, 2016
Threatening clouds and stiff breezes dissuaded pet owners from venturing out, and there was only sparse attendance at today's Blessing of the Animals.
No matter, every two- and four-legged creature that did show up today knew what it was like to give and receive love, and blessings were conferred upon their bond.
No matter, every two- and four-legged creature that did show up today knew what it was like to give and receive love, and blessings were conferred upon their bond.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love. --Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi[Update - 10/3/2016: the service held at the mother ship (ark?), also known as Grace Cathedral, blesses a large variety of animals:
Former Dean Alan Jones led Grace Cathedral’s Blessing of the Animals for 24 years. He blessed snakes, birds, cats and even San Francisco Police Department horses, which got spooked by the organs.]
Saturday, October 01, 2016
You Are Your Aspirations
If "Christian" means aspiring to be "Christ-like" , do Marxists want to be Marx-like? From a new biography of Karl Marx:
Marx was often impossible to deal with, as one of his fellow radicals wrote: “Everyone who contradicted him, he treated with abject contempt; every argument that he did not like he answered either with biting scorn at the unfathomable ignorance that had prompted it, or with opprobrious aspersions upon the motives of him who had advanced it.”If Marxists are trying to be like their hero, I'd say many of them are succeeding. (Tip: practice saying "middle America" or "bourgeois values" with dripping scorn and you're halfway there.)
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