Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Off Script

Barack Obama’s life is being made into a movie. And why not? His multicultural background, his meteoric rise in the world of politics, his promise to be a uniter and not a divider, his movie-star good looks and ringing oratory all make for a boffo box office.

But Russia didn’t follow the script that ends with one big happy kumbaya world. Russia--and China too---want top billing, not to be part of an ensemble. And that’s not even counting the ambitions of the Europeans or the jihadists or the south Asians or the Latin Americans. The phrases “great power politics”, “spheres of influence”, and “balance of power” may have to be retrieved from the dustbin of history.

Come to think of it, a President Barack Obama does remind me of one of the protagonists in this old film short.

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