Friday, May 22, 2020

Dispelling the Fog

(WSJ graphic - click to enlarge)
At the beginning of the coronavirus panic we were given a few rules:
1) stay indoors as much as possible;
2) wash hands frequently;
3) practice social distancing;
4) wear a mask;
5) stop touching our face.

Recently we haven't heard much about touching our face---btw, what's up with that?---but that dictum made me switch from contacts to glasses two months ago. (We wouldn't want to stick washed and sanitized fingers in our eyes because rules.)

But wearing spectacles led to another problem: they fog up when wearing a mask, especially when exercising.

The WSJ describes a simple trick: place a folded tissue inside the mask at the top. It's the most useful advice I've read in the paper all week.

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