Friday, December 01, 2023

For the Young but not the Old

Coca-Cola got the top overall score (WSJ)
The WSJ ranks the best companies "to get promoted quickly or avoid being underpaid." One of the criteria is the willingness of employers to hire and promote workers who don't have a college degree.
To focus on workers who benefit most from upward mobility, the analysis only included data for occupations in which at least 30% of workers nationally lack a college degree, based on Labor Department data. That allowed the analysis of career trajectories of, for example, retail store managers, customer-service representatives and web developers, but not lawyers or software engineers.
In my humble opinion there has never been a better time to be a hard-working young person who doesn't have the education credentials that used to be so admired when I entered the work force.

As for me, a retired oldster who is not interested in long-term career advancement, I am looking for companies who will overpay me and are expanding too fast. They'll probably lay me off in a year or two and give me a severance package.

Hopefully the WSJ is researching that.

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