Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

I added a couple of items to my post of June, 2004:

I remember when my Dad
  • Drove me to Little League three times a week and helped me work on my pitching motion every day after school.
  • Worked three jobs so that we could buy a house, which explained why he was always tired.
  • Installed all the wiring when the church put in its pipe organ.
  • Bought me a violin for $350, which was a lot of money in 1965.
  • Let me visit him in his office, where he was the manager. The atmosphere was hushed, quieter than a classroom (this was a long time ago).
  • Quit smoking, for his sake and ours, when the Surgeon General issued the first warning on cigarettes.
  • Gave me the family car when I learned how to drive.
  • Gave me a lecture on how to treat women----politely, and always with a great deal of respect.

    Hope you had a great Father’s Day, Dad.
    ---Your grateful son © 2006 Stephen Yuen
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