Monday, July 23, 2007

Natural Attraction

We had visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium twice last year (see here and here). Left to our own devices we would have waited before going again, but an out-of-town guest, extra vacation time that I had to use or lose, and mild sunny weather combined irresistibly to induce a trip south on Friday.

Good thing, too, because the aquarium was host to a natural attraction that was likely to vanish in about six months. A sea otter had taken residence amidst the cannery pilings. She had given birth ten days ago and captured the attention of hundreds of onlookers, many of whom chose to forego the aquarium’s indoor exhibits to spend a few minutes or even hours to watch her tend to her child.

The pup’s plaintive cries when the mother set it down tugged at the heartstrings. After a short interval in which she preened or foraged, mother otter grabbed the pup and swam gently on her back, licking and holding it to her chest. (This is my first effort at editing and compressing a video, so please be kind.)

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