Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Cramming for a Test

1st the cup, then the pitcher, repeat in 5 hours
Wednesday was spent drinking clear liquids and a lemony concoction that kept me up all night. It was also spent within a few feet from a porcelain bowl.

Yes, tomorrow is the necessary procedure known as the colonoscopy, about which humor abounds. Four years ago the doctors found six polyps, all-noncancerous, and I was overdue for another "scope" because of family history.

People dread colonoscopies mainly because of what they must do the day before. One is restricted to clear liquids and a medication that provokes continuous, even explosive diarrhea. The day before is unpleasant and often painful; after a few hours many patients, including your humble observer, can't wait for the actual procedure to start.

I would say more, but sorry, gotta go.... © 2013 Stephen Yuen

[Update - 12/5: no polyps! But doc says that I need to eat more fiber.]

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