Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Kanes, Start Your Feasting

We went to Foodland to pick up some items for dinner. The destination was the poke counter, where the spiced-tuna selections were more varied, cheaper and tastier than the dishes found on the mainland. Lomi salmon, four varieties of poke, and a bag of poi were thrown into the cart.

Off to Yamas Fishmarket to buy the lau lau. (Kamaainas will make 3-4 stops to get the "best" ingredients for a Hawaiian meal.)

Yamas had an unexpected find: opihi from the Big Island. A small container was well worth the $4 cost; it was my first taste of the salty shellfish after 20 years.

Absent tastes were spicy and sweet, which were satisfied by later guests who brought kimchi and haupia.

Of course, there were leftovers. No worries, Hawaiian cuisine doesn't suffer much from reheating, and we'll be needing some late night snacks after a night of liquid refreshment.

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