Friday, January 18, 2019

Tough Cookies

Leaf Brands, LLC is trying to revive Hydrox, a chocolate sandwich cookie that pre-dates Oreos (1908 vs 1912). Leaf has complained to the Federal Trade Commission that Mondelez International "started hiding our cookies on shelves to get us discontinued." There are anecdotal accounts of Hydrox packages being moved or hidden.

Big Cookie dominates.
Curiosity piqued, I strolled to the local supermarket to check out the shelves. It was dominated by Oreo products. I asked the person who was stocking the aisles if there were any Hydrox cookies. The name sounded familiar, and she and another clerk looked in the area allotted to smaller brands. No luck.
Mr. Kassoff says he won’t stop making Hydrox cookies, even if he has to sell them exclusively in bulk online. “We aren’t going to give up,” he says.
If I see his product at any store, I'll buy a package. Here's wishing him well.

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