Sunday, August 11, 2019

From Both Sides

In another dark week of mass shootings and political nastiness, the priest looked for a sign of hope. He mentioned the seesaws at the border:
These custom-built seesaws have been placed on both sides of a slatted steel border fence that separates the United States and Mexico. The idea for a "Teeter-Totter Wall" came from Ronald Rael, an architecture professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and Virginia San Fratello, an associate professor of design at San Jose State University
This project is self-described as an "act of activism" and is undoubtedly political.

Although your humble blogger doesn't share many of his views, I find Professor Rael's pink seesaws refreshing: they're inventive, he's creating and not speechifying, and no one is being vilified. Let's hope we see more of this kind of politics from both sides.

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