Monday, February 15, 2021

Trump's Gone, So Now We Can Talk About This

"I support BLM" or "Please don't trash my business" ?
Embrace the power of "and." (Chron, Oakland Chinatown)
Beginning last year, attacks on Asians and Asian-Americans have been attributed to President Trump and his supporters' use of terms like the "Chinese virus" and "Wuhan flu." Because of the widespread media stereotype that Trump supporters are white nationalists and white supremacists, one could easily believe that we were talking only about white-on-Asian crime. But one would be wrong.

Chronicle columnist Justin Phillips, an African-American, writes about the "suffering" of Asians who have been attacked by black Americans:
The reality is horrifying. More than 30 violent crimes have befallen Bay Area residents of Asian descent this year. This is a community that has long felt unseen and ignored. A handful of these terrible incidents have turned into viral videos, all with Black aggressors.
The "reality" is one where Asians fear attacks from blacks more than from whites:
“There are people who jump to the conclusion that because a Black person did (the crime), then all Black people must hate Asian people. That’s such a slippery slope that I just don’t condone,” [State Assembly member Alex Lee, D-San Jose] said. “It is completely valid for people to feel upset ... to feel afraid and that is OK. But I believe from what I’ve seen that what’s happening are symptoms of larger issues.”

...But the dread is still there. It flickers with every email that asks me to explain why all Black people are targeting all Asian people, or claiming that the region is only dangerous because of the crimes committed by people who look like me.
I am glad that Justin Phillips is trying to dispel stereotypes about both Asians and blacks. Now that Donald Trump is out of Washington, we are no longer frozen into blaming him for everything that's gone wrong and can now start working on these problems.

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