Sunday, January 02, 2011

Glad to See Them

The college kids returned home for winter break, and some of them came to church today. The sight of them was heartwarming, because the 18-30 cohort is one that has nearly vanished from the pews. Why young adults are absent from church is understandable: they're busy with activities they consider more important and the worship service doesn't seem to have much relevance to their lives.

Here's where the value of Sunday School manifests itself. There's some absorption of Christian theology---and where else can one learn that these days---but by far the strongest ties that bind are the friendships that are formed with this circle of kids outside of school. After graduation they stay in touch via Facebook, but sometimes they just have to get together and pass the Peace.

Many of them will resume regular church-going when they have kids of their own. That day, we hope, is (many) years away. Meanwhile, we're glad to see them.

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