Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Meat on a Hoof

A horse is a horse unless it's a course.
News item from February:
"Czech authorities have discovered horsemeat in Swedish meatballs produced for the furniture giant Ikea and labeled as beef and pork"
The youngster bridled when I suggested chicken. He had a hankerin' for Swedish meatballs, and who was I to tell him neigh? He spurred me to hoof it to the local Ikea, where we lassoed up servin's of salad, mashed potatoes, and gravy. The cafeteria didn't have filly mignon; meatballs were our mane course.

There was a minor hitch when the salad dressing was limited to ranch (not kidding!), but we refused to whinny or stirrup any trouble. It's better to halter conflicts early. Keep it stable, I always say, and be equine to others.

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