Thursday, February 26, 2015

Guinea Pigs in Dolores Park

(SF Gate photo)
Another example of the cruelty of man--a family of guinea pigs was abandoned in Dolores Park, San Francisco:
When the train rustled by, the furry rodents darted into bushes but as soon as quiet fell they came out from hiding to nibble on grass. The lead gardener at Dolores Park....says about six or seven guinea pigs were left in the park overnight.
Guinea pigs are domesticated animals and don't last long in the wild. Perhaps the former owner knew that they would be spotted quickly at Dolores Park and gave them a fighting chance. Maybe he or she is not 100% cruel.

Note: we are biased because guinea pigs have been members of our household for years.

{Update, 2/27 - guinea pig lovers are coming out of their hutches:
More than 50 concerned locals have called Animal Care & Control asking about the guinea pigs.

“Our phones have been ringing off the hook with people asking if the guinea pigs are OK,” [Animal Control spokesperson Deb] Campbell shared. “Someone donated two cages so the guinea pigs have a good start in life. People are asking when they’ll be up for adoption.”}

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