Monday, May 30, 2016

A Few Moments of Reflection and Service

Yesterday 60 people showed up for lunch at the community center. We had baked enough chicken for a hundred, and St. Pius had made a like number of brown-bag lunches for people to take when they departed Sandwiches on Sunday. There were no leftovers; diners came back for seconds and thirds and took the remainder home.

As is our custom, we introduced ourselves before lunch and recited a short blessing:
O Heavenly Father, we thank you for bringing us together on this beautiful day. And we thank you for the men and women of our armed forces, most especially for those who sacrificed life and limb for our nation. Help us to bring comfort to their families and honor their memory through service of our own. Bless this food to our use and us to your service, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Several attendees said that they appreciated the profession of faith, and one lady asked our minister to pray with her after lunch was over.

Memorial Day weekend is filled with fun, food, family, and friends, but a few moments of reflection and service are good, too.

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