Sunday, April 28, 2019

Signaling Virtue from Nob Hill

This WSJ writer says what I've been thinking about the Episcopal Church: [bold]
Anglicans worship in Nigeria (nairaland photo)
the vast majority of Christians suffering today aren’t white wealthy Westerners. Most are from the relatively poor global South: Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America. To their already unsupportable lot of grinding poverty, they must add the risk of being assaulted by governments, religious vigilantes, gangs and others....

I would respectfully suggest to the bishops of the Anglican persuasion—and quite a few of their Catholic brethren too—that however serious and acute you might think the threat of climate change or workplace discrimination, the larger and more immediate threat to Christians in many parts of the world is that they might not get through their next church service without someone dispatching them to eternity to shouts of “Allahu akbar.”
Two years ago the Bishop of California took umbrage at the fact that the Anglican Communion sided with the 57 million African Anglicans who oppose same-sex marriage versus the 2-million-member Episcopal Church, which supports it.

The fact that association with the Episcopal Church might endanger our brothers and sisters in Africa, which has more than 400 million Muslims, is of little importance to those who would rather signal their virtue from Nob Hill.

Your humble blogger, who has long supported the legalization of gay marriage, wishes that his church leaders would stifle their self-righteous proclamations, go about their business and give thanks that we live in these blessed United States.

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