Friday, July 29, 2022

Missing It Now That It's Gone

"The cone. The nuts. The chocolate. The fudge."
Nearly 40 years after its creation, a cheesily-named dessert was pulled from the market...or maybe not.
Unilever, the parent company of Klondike, blamed an “unprecedented spike in demand” and the pandemic supply chain for what it called “a necessary but unfortunate” decision to discontinue some of its products. “Even a beloved item like Choco Taco,” it said.

A spokesperson for Klondike said killing the Choco Taco wasn’t a ploy to sell more Choco Tacos. But within a few days of announcing its demise in the middle of summer, as social media was melting into a puddle of eulogies, the company said it was already “exploring options to bring it back.”
It's clever marketing--if that's what this is--to drum up desire in people who have never tried a Choco Taco (like your humble blogger) by taking away that product forever. Nothing makes the demand spike more than that the product will become, well, nothing.

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