Wednesday, January 11, 2023

It's Not Too Late

(Wikihow illustration)
Retirement is a time for reflection... and regrets. Chief among them is the failure to stay in touch with friends from long ago. The most stark examples are the friends who have passed away, where obviously no renewal of a relationship is possible.

The fears that hold us back from reconnecting are largely in our imagination. [bold added]
People also exaggerate the risks of reaching out to old friends, including awkwardness and rejection, and underestimate the pleasures, according to research by Nicholas Epley, director of the Center for Decision Research at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

“Failure to recognize how interested others are in engaging with us keeps us overly avoidant in ways that harm our well-being,” he said.
"Make a new friend" is a goal that's too vague and more difficult to achieve.

"Connect with an old friend" is more concrete and likely to bring you happiness.

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