Thursday, June 20, 2024

Amusing While it Lasted

Assoc. Justice Goodwin Liu wrote the 7-0 ruling.
As expected, the Governor, the Legislature, the labor unions, and all the powers that run our one-party State were successful in having the California Supreme Court disqualify the tax initiative from the November ballot. If passed, it would have required higher taxes to be approved by two-thirds of the voters in addition to the two-thirds majority already required of the Legislature.The measure
must be removed from the November ballot because it is so far-reaching that it would be a “revision” of the state Constitution, the California Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday.
Initiatives can amend but not "revise" the Constitution, went the Court's reasoning.

Well, it was amusing while it lasted. As I posted last month
To be frank (and a little childish), I like seeing the single-party State squirm a little and, after denouncing Republicans as a threat to democracy, argue that the people should not have the ability to decide.

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