Thursday, December 21, 2017

Luddite, or Just Suspicious?

iPhone 6: still trucking.
As I scribbled in October, I am still using an iPhone 6, which Apple sold in the U.S. through 2016. I am holding on despite proof that operating system (iOS) updates cause older iPhones to slow down and that this phenomenon was caused by Apple, ostensibly to preserve older batteries' life.

(Disbelieving iPhone users say that Apple is pushing users to upgrade. IMHO this is easily solvable by giving users a choice to turn this feature on or off in the Settings/Battery menu. I don't play "twitch" games where speed is of the essence, so I don't mind being slowed.)

When I do upgrade it will be to an iPhone 8. Not only is the "8" cheaper, but I am perfectly happy with the thumb-ID feature.

In fact, I prefer the 8 to the X. Not only do I not need facial-recognition-ID, I don't want it.

News item: Facebook Wants Your Face and You'll Probably Let Them Have It. While everyone's got photos of themselves online, the data needed for the iPhone X facial recognition technology is much more voluminous. I trust Apple with this data much more than I would Facebook, based on both companies' behavior, and even with Apple I am not entirely sure.

Upgraders, beware.

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