Sunday, April 29, 2018

Palpable Energy

The ancient freezer's thick walls and door--
yes, they don't make 'em like that anymore.
I stopped by St. Pius Catholic Church to pick up the brown-bag lunches. Rain or shine, St. Pius members spend Saturday mornings assembling 100 brown bags for the people who come to Sandwiches on Sunday.

For 15 years churches take turns making hot lunches for all comers at the community center on Sunday; the brown bags are handed to diners as they exit.

Like last year, it was Children's Day at the community center. The parking lot and gates were blocked off, but the City staff let us in around the back.

We fed about 50 people today and thanked the City staff for their help. At a very basic level this must be what is meant by public-private partnerships.

At the Children's Day celebration the energy and bonhomie were palpable.

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