Saturday, August 18, 2018

Now He's Just Making Up (Stuff)

Nathan Robinson of The Guardian has determined why there are human feces all over San Francisco sidewalks: [bold added]
People aren’t pooping on the streets because they have suddenly forgotten what a bathroom is, or unlearned basic hygiene. The incidents are part of a broader failure of the city to provide for the basic needs of its citizens, and show the catastrophic, socially destructive effects of unchecked inequality.
Inequality, that must be it. That's why there's poop wherever there's "unchecked inequality"---areas like Manhattan, Martha's Vineyard, the Hamptons, and Beverly Hills. (Dear reader, if you didn't recognize it, the previous sentence was an example of sarcasm.)

George Christopher, the last Republican Mayor of San Francisco, served from 1956 to 1964. Think about how much worse inequality would be if the Democrats were not in charge for half a century.

Below is a Chicago tourist's home movie of San Francisco in 1958.

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